Naljepnice za zaštitu i upozorenje
Naljepnice za zaštitu i upozorenje
WEIGHT - 0.04 kgNije mogao učitati dostupnost preuzimanja
- EU dostava 2-6 dana s postom ili GLS-om
- Brza dostava sljedećeg dana preko Irske
- Naručite prije 14.30 za isti dan dostave
Za Tesla Model3/Y/S/X naljepnica za automobil Sentinel Mode, modifikacija upozorenja Ukrasna naljepnica protiv krađe
Štapići upozorenja za vaš prozor govore svakome tko gleda u vaš automobil da se snima.
Naljepnice su same po sebi oblik zaštite za odvraćanje potencijalnih lopova i osiguravanje da znaju ako provale ili oštete vašu Teslu da će postojati dokazi o njihovom djelovanju. Naljepnice same po sebi ne mogu spriječiti štetu ili provalu, ali mogu osigurati da lopovi znaju da ih netko promatra.
Lako se postavlja u nekoliko sekundi

Better to have a deterrent to stop damage before it happens. Ensures someone doing damage or thinking about doing damage can see the Sentry Mode Recording Sticker on your Windows and might think before damaging my Tesla. Whats the point in having Sentry Mode if the person doing the damage does not know they are being recorded. I put one on each side window and another on my rear window. I had over €1000 damage done in a Tesco car park when a mother opening the door of a car parked beside me for her child smashed her door into the centre of my rear door leaving a major dent and missing paint. I had the registration and the video however it did nothing for me even after reporting to the Gardai. She looked at the damage and then calmly drove away oblivious to Sentry Mode. I think the stickers at least make someone think twice about doing damage and then driving away.